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A short, professional training course

Learn the basics of a trade

Understand and appropriate the cultural codes of the French business world

Deepen your knowledge of French, applied to your future profession

Deepen your knowledge of French, applied to your future profession

Deepen your knowledge of French, applied to your future profession

Deepen your knowledge of French, applied to your future profession

Facilitating your integration

A coach to support you throughout the course

Helping you with administrative formalities

Helping you succeed in your career

I would like to join the training

- I apply
- If I fit the profile, I'm invited to a selection interview with the company.
- If the company selects me, I join the training program.

I'm selected for the free, paid training course

J’intègre la formation pour une durée de 3 mois, à temps plein. Je suis rémunérée par France Travail de 250€ à 685€ par mois selon mon profil.

I'm doing an internship

The company welcomes you at the end of the course to meet the teams and put into practice your knowledge acquired during training. It's an opportunity to confirm your interest in the profession and demonstrate your motivation.

I'm going to a recruitment interview to sign my contract

At the end of the program, I have a final interview with the company to confirm the signature of my contract.